on this - mother's day in north america -
i honour my mother
no more than i usually do
ask my friends
ask my colleagues
ask my family
i have a deep respect for my mother
who was difficult
when i needed a "difficult" mother
but didn't know it
easy going
when i needed
easy going
but had no clue why
was loving -
without condition
whether i knew it
or not.
it's very cool
to arrive at a place
of genuine appreciation
and admiration.
happy mother's day mum!
Lucky you. I was not close to my mother. She's passed on now.
You've a lucky mum, Steven, to have such a son and I suppose you're lucky too to have such a mum.
Lucky you X:-)
Happy mother's day Steve's mam!
"If there are any heavens my mother will(all by herself)have
one. It will not be a pansy heaven nor
a fragile heaven of lilies-of-the-valley but
it will be a heaven of black-red roses
my father will be(deep like a rose
tall like a rose)
standing near my
(swaying over her
with eyes which are really petals and see
nothing with the face of a poet really which
is a flower and not a face with
which whisper
This is my beloved my
(suddenly in sunlight
he will bow,
& the whole garden will bow)"
if there are any heavens my mother will by E. E. Cummings
:O) Warm greetings!
What a warm, loving photo of you and your mother steven. I enjoyed reading your tribute to her.
ellen - i'm not sure i was always close to my mother. the differences between us made it unpleasant to be too close at certain stages of my life. but here we are. happily! steven
elsiabeth - i know i'm lucky. now i know! steven
nolly - thanks. steven
hey rachel - she reads this so i'm sure she'll appreciate that!! steven
aleks thanks so much for the cummings poem. it's new to me and a special gift. steven
bonnie thankyou. it's one of my fave pics! steven
I wish my brother was the kind of son you are...but he's always "busy".
Like you, however, I have a good relationship with Mom..who is vacationing this week at the beach, so I'll have to call her instead.
Give your Mum a hug for us...for giving the world such a nice son who plays nice and shares the toys on his playground. ;)
Lovely picture of the two of your together, Steven.
Ahh ahe is really lovely and so are you but in a manly sense of course...Nothing like a son's love- floats my boat!
Happy son loving mom day!
hey linda sue - it is a good day! but i'd love to remember all the details around how i drove my mum crazy enough once to chuck a chair at me - it stuck in the wall she was that furious!! all i know is that for the longest time i wasn't a model son at all!!! steven
thanks golden west - it's a prized possession. steven
hope she'll pick up that hug on her way through these comments i'm sure!!!! thankyou so much. steven
what a lovely photo!!1...i look after my mum now..but although the rolls have changed shes still able to make me feel like a little girl again....which is someimes good and sometimes bad but I treasure these days....hope you have a great week....xx
I love the bit about your mother being difficult when you needed a difficult mother but didn't know it, and that you now do know and can appreciate her fully.
I remember my mum saying: 'wait till you have children of your own.' How right she was!
kay thanks for the lovely wishes. it's actually a mixed blessing when you reach that stage in your relationship with you mum i imagine. i am looking forward to this week so thanks for the good wishes. steven
eryl - that's what i was thinking when i wrote it. there's been a lot of "told you so" in my life although my mum has been very good about not saying that!!! steven
Quite possibly, one of the loveliest Mother tributes ever .... simple and elegant.
What a cool appreciation! Well done, and Happy Belated Mother's Day to all across the Atlantic Mums (Moms)?
Hi Steven
this is such a candid loving photo of you and your mum...and it was mothers' day here and in NZ too where I was...and my sweet girls managed to send me flowers too...
Happy Mothers' day to your mum
Happy days
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