the good fairies bring gifts
and not always
the gifts
you've asked for
more often
they're the gifts you need
the gifts you've wished for
without hearing yourself
say those words
without knowing yourself
think those thoughts
and they weave like fog
into the forest of your life
what you know
of what you know
like the girls
of boy's imaginings
and out
of moments
like fog
and yet not seen
and yet not felt
and yet
not known
their gifts
in perfumed
that leave their
soft fullness
in the air

august malmström dancing fairies

august malmström alvalek
"...they weave like fog into the forest of your life..." is a wonderful notion of how we should strive to build our lives and relationship. A soothing poem, Steven.
Hi Steven
I have no affinity with fairies but I do have an affinity with your words...
slipping in and out of moments like a great expression
Happy days
I like the same line as R. Burnett Baker, too...And i would be a happy woman if I could paint like that...I think if you loved fairies as a child you never stop loving them - or loving things which evoke how they made you feel.
I think I've just learnt something about boys, I must tell my niece.
These are such lovely images, Steven. as ever you excel in your choice of words and images.
sighing with pure pleasure!
Despite the outward appearances of the society of men, I'd venture to say that most boys and men know in the marrow of their bones that girls and women embody vast, deep and essential wisdom.
The more this yin female wisdom scares the menfolk, the more the men try to marginalize women.
hi richard - the one is subtly and powerfully connected to the other. thankyou for your kind comment. steven
hello delwyn - i think that fairies are an expression of a subtle magic that pervades all living things - a bridging between worlds. whether they assume a tangible form isn't of real interest to me although i love paintings of them!!! steven
rachel thankyou for the comment and also for the insightful thought. as with so many things that are subtle or which hover in-between worlds there's been a sorry trivializing of the idea of fairy. but i appreciate their presence all the same. steven
eryl - i've got more but you have to tell girls about boys in the kindest way!! we're under the gun these days - sometimes literally. being a particular sort of man in this day and age is what i imagine it must have been like for women in the middle ages. in the right circle a sort of appreciation, but overall suppressed, repressed whatever it takes to tuck you away behind the barrage of ideas and images that define what a man is or should be. steven
elisabeth thankyou so much!! steven
pauline i'm glad that this was a good place for you to be! steven
hi dan - it's a sort of man who marginalizes any person. if you give the comment i made to eryl's comment above, you'll see something (and i have no doubt you share something) of that feeling that there are all sorts of people - men and women - who need to suppress, hold back, deny, contain other men and women who have left behind the trappings - the traditional trappings - of masculinity. the media is just as damaging to men as it is to women in its portrayals of what men and women should be. but. i am optimistic that a time will come when it is entirely alright to be a person. to bring goodness into the world as and whenever you can.
I can't breathe- this sent me into a state of overwhelm! I really really love this- the poem- the thoughts- the creativity- the pictures of fairies and fog- the mind that puts it all there!
This is SO my cup of tea- this post- I will save it forever. Fairies live around our home- we have SEEN them...
The faeries telling us what we need and bringing us what we need is a lovely thought. Are we always accepting of what they give us?
It would be so good just to trust and accept. I will have to keep coming to you, perhaps I can learn the way here.
Steven, your words are always such a real delight.. and you describe the fairies I am interested in - nothing specific except a foggy idea, and interesting in their histories :)
"fairies are like the girls of boy's imaginings" - brilliant! :))
"not always the gifts you ask for"
Can something be wise and whimsical at the same time? I think so . . .
I love this poem, especially these two stanzas:
the good fairies bring gifts
and not always
the gifts
you've asked for
more often
they're the gifts you need...
like the girls
of boy's imaginings
and out
of moments
like fog
I also enjoyed reading your comments about masculinity and femininity. Maybe one day we will all just be viewed as people, accepted for ourselves, and the stereotypes will no longer apply.
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