i was biking home the other day
and these words
came through my mind.
so i wrote them down.
flowers in her eyes
petals for dreams
the lights of the fireflies
the whispers of streams

john singer sargent carnation, lily, lily, rose
Nice when words come as gifts to the mind...
How do you do it Steven? Lovely cascade of words. And this painting of Sargent captures Spring, Summer,evening magic, childhood, and fairyland all in one image. One of my favorites.
beautiful words and that picture has always been a favorite of mine...those madonna lilies..petals for dreams indeed...xx
hi jinksy - there were more words but these were the ones that tumbled through my mind again later and so i went looking for the image that showed the words for me. steven
richard - isn't it funny how they appear sometimes. these aren't extraordinary but the process of their arriving makes me curious. i love this painting. steven
hello kay - the lilies wild and straggly and yet also playful and watching. steven
Very British for some reason and very beautiful, Steven. For some reason this thought comes to me.
Here in Australia we might talk about different images of beauty and they'd be more rugged, I imagine.
This is the place I would love to live in!In this playground full of flowers and fireflies,magic!So sweet,this painting,your words.
Peace,love,light and smiling smiles for you and yours~! Sandra
I've always adored Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose. It's an extra special treat paired with your lovely words, Steven.
Most lovely...sigh...question: do you have a paypal account? would be easier for me to support your insane bike trip through paypal.
Interesting steven. For some reason it conjured Ariel's song "Full fathom five.." from The Tempest for me, though obviously the mood is completely different.
sweet words to come unbidden. it seems to me that your mind is always receptive to pictures and words and being the nice chap you are, you pass them on to us. Thank you, steven.
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