Tuesday, December 20, 2011

enough of words, come to me without a sound

i stopped my bicycle and stepped off to see this beautiful place where the autumn leaves were held
with all that was left of them beneath the ice
and the pine needles held their place above the ice
as if they were looking into each other . . .
as if they were speaking without words

so much passes inside our words, and then beneath our words, and then especially without words


i am so deeply grateful to the angel who is looking over me


Jinksy said...

And to Nature for delivering the unexpected gift...

R. Burnett Baker said...

"so much passes inside our words, and then beneath our words, and then especially without words"

...is just a wonderful line. It's a thought to guide, and perhaps to live by, Steven.

Acornmoon said...

Thank you Steven for another year of breathtakingly beautiful images. Have a wonderful Christmas.

Linda Sue said...

You're welcome....(heh heh)

Going to maui now- will take you in my thoughts as I get an eye full of glorious nature!

The Weaver of Grass said...

I find that often steven, nature produces something which is too beautiful for mere words.

hope said...

Sometimes a smile of wonder and appreciation is the best comment of all.

Which I did..but then I had to tell you that. ;)