i'm pulled
like a leaf on a stream
to sudden flarings
they call me
speaking the soft language
using words without form or definition
and i'm absolutely powerless
to ignore them
no amount of experience
or knowledge
of the possible consequences
can deter me
i've always been excited
by possibilities
and incongruencies
by moments left lying around
by doors and windows left open
by the contents of
cupboards and drawers left ajar
by people unfinished
because each moment,
each possibility,
is tied by a slender thread
to the wholeness
and they cry
(so very like a newborn child)
to be held
drawn closer
and then
- with the cutting of the cord -
must lay bare the very real cord
that frees and contains in one experience
this being here in this place
this reason
this artifice
this dance of light and shadow
this awful leaving
this laying bare
and in the very best of all possible possibilities
the someone
the anyone
is a portal for love
the one love
that knows itself in opposition
and in symmetry
and in all the states in-between
this piece was written while listening to lamb -