as crazy as de-alcoholized beer, fat-free ice-cream, and happily ever after comes the staple free stapler. yes that's correct - teachers, parents, environmentally conscientious humans rejoice - the staple-free-stapler is here! reflect for a moment on the number of times you have chipped a nail picking the staple out of a stack of paper, had one not quite work for you with the resultant pricking of your pointer finger, or worst of all, had to deal with a child’s tears as they ask you to pluck an errant staple from their hand. if that doesn’t work for you then ask yourself where every staple goes when it is finally done with? right into the garbage - lost for a very very long time.
here’s how it works . . .

and it comes in a variety of colours!

if you like it then you can buy it
right here .
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