longtime readers will recall a previous posting linking them to some wonderful music assembled over at the hydrogen cafe , a blog dedicated to “serving slowday sounds and gravitywell dreams”. well i’m pleased to report that after several months, the hydrogen cafe is again serving up some very lovely aural treats. this edition is named “light cycles”.
from a tentative and meditative opening, light cycles moves into a beautiful example of harold budd’s simple repeated piano phrases released through endless delay, and then into the multi-layered glitch of sonmi451. tribal rhythms and pad washes enter around the elf machine and from there the mix oscillates between pieces with lots of ambient space and tighter more rhythm-centered work. tangerine dream’s white eagle - long one of my favourite td pieces - begins the winding down of the mix until it lands on underworld’s “to heal” from their oblivion with bells release.
kev1282n over at youtube has upped a lovely video accompaniment with “to heal” that you can view here: if this video holds some appeal for you then you should visit the european homepage for the space telescope where an extraordinary range of videos and animations can be found.
here is the playlist and the premise for “light cycles”:
1. kamen nedev - waves, atlantic coast, porto, portugal
2. cliff martinez - is that what everybody wants (excerpts)
3. budd-garcia-lentz - pulse, pause, repeat
4. sonmi451 - second to none
5. bobby devito – untitled ambient track
6. the elf machine - buddha zone 6
7. fenton - neon giraffe
8. shuttle358 - calty
9. the green kingdom - lucky bamboo
10. cliff martinez - is that what everybody wants
11. thomas fanger - twinkling sun
12. saul stokes - the bright tones (even brighter)
13. dollboy - juicyfruit
14. isan - cinnabar
15. can - future days
16. tangerine dream - white eagle
17. underworld - to heal
“to the dull mind all nature is leaden. to the illumined mind the whole world sparkles with light.”
- ralph waldo emerson
to download the music as well as cover art and a tracklist or simply to listen to it streamed, then here’s where you want to go.
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