made from graphite, a substance that is chemically related to diamond through both being allotropes of carbon. bet you didn’t know that! (to be honest, i didn’t either ‘till the research department told me).
the works range from his whimsical gamepieces . . .

to the beautiful spindle shell number three . . .

but my favourite pieces are his noguchi objects that just cry out to be held and drawn with . . .

happily the formulation of the graphite is such that while the entire object can be used as a drawing tool, the material does not smudge off onto you! it's a strange thought that you could buy a work of art, and use it to create another work of art.
here’s an artist profile that opens out agelio’s thinking and work . . .
to see and learn more about these wonderful and functional pieces of art then visit agelio’s workshop.
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