Tuesday, September 13, 2011

it's gonna rain

i lift my head

thin cold feathers of air
crease my bare feet

the poinsettia's
dusty red leaves
shudder in the small breeze

move across the walls


Elisabeth said...

The changing of the season, measure our course through life. Your beautiful words shine here as ever, Steven. Thanks.

Titus said...

Stunning cloud images and beautiful condension in the words.

Reya Mellicker said...

Oh wow, the clouds! They are incredible Stephen.

I love that moment of anticipation when you know the rain is going to come, but it isn't here yet. Wow.

Linda Sue said...

Oh yes, the rains do come! I might like your clouds - I must try to see them as though I had never seen a rain cloud before. That is my challenge...

hope said...

Your cloud and tree photos are always my favorites!

Heard it rained at home today while I was away at work. I hope so! Our neighbor isn't much of a farmer (first 12 years a real farmer took care of the fields)and for the second year in a row has grown a crop of golden rod, ragweed and dog fennel tall as me. Yep, the 3 I'm most allergic to. ;0

steven said...

elisabeth - in my passage through what i term the "pre-mature" state aka 54 years old - i see storms as much less threatening than i used to. both in my personal, professional and even in nature. indeed i welcome them. because they no longer frighten me. steven

steven said...

titus thankyou. steven

steven said...

reya the astonishing thing is that despite the anticipation, the weather forecast, the smell of rain, the entire package . . . it only rained a very tiny bit! but i love it all the same. steven

steven said...

linda sue - the thing with clouds and rain - (and i was born in england so they are like the oldest friends i have) is that they are so improbable - they weigh so much, can bring so much water to a small place so quickly, have the most amazing and gentle colouration and yet they also carry the capacity to affect people's moods. it's the last bit that i missed when i was made. they don't bother me . . . i truly enjoy them as much as sunshine no matter how long they hang around! steven

steven said...

hope! oh my goodness what are the chances that all three would thrive?!! i love photographing clouds and trees so much. i wish i knew why but i don't. but i can't really get in the way of the process because it's a piece of me for some reason. steven