it's willow's annual ball this evening so of course i am very excited.
knowing what to wear is really secondary to having someone to take.
i think last year i went solo and ended up in a bathtub (or so i am told) with an ouija board
and a small crowd of enthralled onlookers
who helped the little oracle tap out the words "time to go home".
this year i thought i'd aim higher so i got in touch through the usual channellers with someone i had a little to do with in my youth - the lady of shalott. happily she was in the mood for getting out and about and with the promise of a new gown to replace her somewhat damp and threadbare attire as well as a basket of hair care products and a primo hair straightener, she was entirely convinced that i was the man she would cut the rug with while hoovering back a few dozen canapes and chasing down a jug or two of veuve-clicquot
on september 30th.
here she is caught almost unawares as she rises from her cushion of ease to give me the first hug we've enjoyed in each others company in over thirty years!

"ah my girl", i warbled in her ear as we clasped each other about the upper back,
"you haven't aged a bit"
(although there was something of a musty odor about her that a little spritz of
chanel no. 5 would quickly put to bed).
oh by the way don't tell her - that's going to be my "going to the ball" gift (to both of us!)
now, as my well-armoured buddy lancelot once mused "she has a lovely face" and when you get her past her slightly melancholy and wary nature, she has an equally lovely personality.
while i'm thinking about it,
she does have a bit of a problem with mirrors so whatever you do make sure to stand between her and anything that she might catch her reflection in!
here's my date warming up her dainty but eye-catching dance moves in preparation for the big night!!!

it looks like it'll be a bare foot night - just like the one she and i last spent together up on bald mountain,
or was it blueberry hill.
not to worry.
i'll see you at the ball!