i sail in a ship of my own design
the gift of the wind -
makes for a life of sorts
the surface of the sea -
provides tantalizing glimpses
of the riches that lie beneath
and harbours
are places of contentment
and simple wonder

my sails are stories
that hold the wind of my life
pulling me across
the sea
of my becoming
each day
the sun and the moon
glide across my skies
full soft and silent

all artwork by vladimir kush
Long may your voyage last...Your ship sails on beautiful seas...
Wow to your words, steven, and oh! those images.
Thanks for the introduction to the art of Vladimir Kush.
Was going to get a book until I got to the prices! Maybe Christmas...
Steven, you find the most amazing images to match your words. Those butterfly sails are brilliant. Thank you.
jinksy thankyou for that kind wish! i'm happy to return it in kind. steven
hello titus!! kush's work is very lovely! very expensive! steven
You just described my life! Love the paintings.
As usual steven, your words so complement the art work.
I love Kush's work. I had not seen the flowers before. How appropriate to have butterflies for sails as a symbol of rebirth and gladioli which generally represent strength and moral integrity in the flower world. And butterflies are always flitting about flowers aren't they. Yes, what lies beneath the surface is the most interesting, especially when the ship is of our own making. Your sails "are stories that hold the wind of your life, pulling you across the sea of your becoming" lovely. Your stories are your pneuma (spirit or breath) and they are what pulls you across the surface of what lies beneath. Harbors are wonderful places to meditate and reflect upon the simple joy of living. Beautiful piece Steven. Thank you.
I love-love-love these flowery sails! Bloomin' journies!
Congrats on being toasted by the Goddess!
This post reminds me of the posts Renee used to do at circling My Head, before we lost her.... Lovely.
elsiabeth aren't they amazing!!! really so clever and then also such a beautiful concept. steven
ellen - really!! steven
weaver thankyou. it's really refreshing to have this place to breakaway to when i'm locked down inside report card writing and everything else!!! steven
noelle a beautiful unpacking. i am really grateful for your insights and knowledge here. when i write i am initially unconcscious of what i wish to share. i write automatically sometimes to free up the space as it were. then i think in terms of the layered message the post could carry and refine the writing. sometimes even the images. steven
jeanne - i was "toasted by the goddess". if there's a goddess toasting me i should be there!!! fill me in if you get a chance!!! steven
Hi Steven,
I'm just popping over from Everyday Goddess too, to congratulate you on getting her Post of the Week award. You can see it here: http://comedygoddess.blogspot.com/2010/06/toasting-posts-of-week_19.html
Your words and the images are wonderfully matched.
Amazing art work - thanks for the introduction, Steven!
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