Sunday, March 1, 2009

georgii sviridov's sacred music

i wish i could explain why it is that of all the choral music i have heard, (and i guess i really mean, liturgical choral music) it is the russian sacred music that reaches way deep inside and touches a part of me that recognizes something essential in its sound and presentation. there's tremendous passion side-by-side with a hard to define reserve in this music - strange that they should be heard and felt side-by-side but there you are.

here's an opportunity to listen to some more orthodox chants sung by the monks and metropolitan choirs of kiev - pechersk lavra
1. small doxology (anonymous) 2. god with us (kiev - pechersk chant, fragment).


Goldenrod said...

A lovely addition to my Sunday morning, Steven. Thank you.

steven said...

hi goldenrod! i'm glad that this music reached you. i can listen to it almost any day of the week but it has to find me in the right "space". i need to be available to it. thanks for dropping by.