this is a special day for me. more special even than most. you see my mum - ruth - is celebrating her eightieth birthday today.
she doesn't quite match the image of eighty that i and perhaps you might see in your mind's eye.
she's just returned from a couple of weeks in england visiting friends and travelling
around to see some special places.
what she'll return to is her role as a walker at the local dog shelter, a supporter of the local donkey sanctuary, a preparer of gift baskets used to raise money for the huntington's foundation, loving tenderer of her garden, bottler of all sorts of awesome preserves (especially pickled beets which i could eat 'till i was sick) friend to many, sister in law to her closest friend margaret, gramma to alan, dawson and lexie, and of course mum to myself and my brother david.
she'll be heading off to cuba in the early part of next year for some r and r. books by the ocean, that sort of thing.
my mum is (among many other things) well read, well movied, well musicked,
thoughtful, reflective, sensitive, and i would underscore several times - driven!
there's lots more about her but really, you get my drift. she's not sitting around any more than she has to.
actually i don't think she knows how!
i'm very grateful for my mum - she brought me into this world at great personal effort - a couple of days of work . . . . . and stuck with me from then on, through thick and thin.
have you had a "difficult" child? then you know what ruth dealt with while pursuing a career, and managing the rest of her not entirely easy life!!!
nope, it's not been easy but then i think that my mum would ask "why should it be?" and then go after whatever's next in her line of sight.
much of what i value in myself has its roots in my mum. either she showed me how to be or i figured it out by standing on her shoulders and having a look-see.
i love you mum, no more this day than any other but this is special!