first up: the airpiano. now the video you’ll find on the homepage will convince you that it’s an easy piece but i wonder how the guy pre-programmed and figured out exactly what little bit of air to stick his hand into to get a particular sound or chord or rhythm? have a look here . . . i love the concept though and that’s good ‘cause that’s what this is - a concept!
this next item has great appeal as both my kids have nintendo ds’s and i would love to see and hear them messing around with this in addition to my son’s electric guitar and my daughter’s keyboard. on the other hand, if i can get them to leave their ds’s lying around i might be able to score one and load up this tasty item ”the glitch ds”. which could provide some suitably messy backdrops to the funky poetry readings i could start doing.
got a ds and your kid hasn’t noticed it’s missing? then head right over here and load it up with musical goodies!!
but i’m not done!!! oh no, there’s this lovely beautiful recorder type thing still to come.....

Now this could appeal to the kid in me.
I wonder if they sell these in America?
hi loren, thanks for dropping by! i haven't found anyone here who's picked it up yet to sell in north america. i really like the idea of a combination "sampler" and musical instrument - particularly as i have limited technical skill and even more limited inclination to learn how to play an "established" instrument. it sounds like you might have need of an outlet for your inner child/muse!!! keep looking.
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