anna was born in connecticut in 1875. she began writing poetry while attending the american academy of dramatic art in new york city and shortly thereafter had a poem published in century magazine which more-or-less assured her some fame as a writer.
anna once said most revealingly: ““order is a lovely thing; on disarray it lays its wing, teaching simplicity to sing.” this is the first line from her poem entitled "the monk in the kitchen" which is a poem i could write - but that's another story!!.
today’s poem is taken from her collection published in 1905 entitled “shoes that danced and other poems.”she wrote this old-fashioned but lovely piece entitled “while loveliness goes by” . . .
sometimes when all the world seems grey and dun
and nothing beautiful, a voice will cry,
"look out, look out! angels are drawing nigh!"
then my slow burdens leave me one by one,
and swiftly does my heart arise and run
even like a child while loveliness goes by—
and common folk seem children of the sky,
and common things seem shapèd of the sun.
oh, pitiful! that i who love them, must
so soon perceive their shining garments fade!
and slowly, slowly, from my eyes of trust
their flaming banners sink into a shade!
while this earth's sunshine seems the golden dust
slow settling from that radiant cavalcade.

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