Saturday, May 14, 2011


looking across the age of aquarius i am - for all of my own age and experience - a child of the idea of possibilities too great for anyone to hold in their hands or put up on the shelf of their understanding, i wonder, i wonder so much, and i especially wonder if that is why i feel compelled to stand and hold the railing for support and share what little i can retain and articulate.

how could this simple life have evolved into an
experiential architecture of such complexity?


Elisabeth said...

Complexity, indeed, Steven. I too feel awash with it at the moment. Thanks for such liquid thoughts.

Ruth said...

I feel this every day, Steven!

steven said...

elisabeth - it's a way of being and i wonder if it brings goodness or confusion with it. or both. steven

steven said...

ruth - i swim to the surface whenever i can but it gets further away with every passing day! steven

Titus said...

Well put, and needs more thought!

steven said...

titus you are a goofball!!! hilarious. thankyou. steven

Linda Sue said...

When I feel this, and i do quite often, I shake myself back down to zero, like an old fashioned thermometer. Then i begin again , with the sleep poop. That's about it...

steven said...

linda sue thanks for that reminding piece of advice!! steven

Jo said...

Oh my goodness! To read this after just having left my comment on "the qualities of light and space" is amazing!

YES, Steven...stand at the railing and share. Please. Your work has taken a turn. I say embrace it as you have the past, the future, and the very present part of your life!

steven said...

jo there's a rich and wonderfully resonant web of threads drawn between many bloggers that i am so thrilled by. it was a dream of mine to belong to a community like this and can you imagine - in my lifetime it has arrived! hurray for us. steven