having the almost timelessness available means that tiny points of focus also appear.
here are a few around my home.
if i was braver i'd call this set "through a blind darkly" . . . but i'll spare you that!
this one was on a rainy morning . . . the rain streamed in silver trickles down the glass.
the same morning. i inverted the image because i thought it looked better this way .

This is the second time in less than a week that you've made me laugh, Steven, with one of your posts. (The other one was of your visiting little critters!) Thank you!
I'll be playing bridge tonite to see the new year in. Wish us luck! We'll have a good time, anyway. It'll be the second time in one day that I'll have played - very unusual for me! Dottie Ann and I came in 2nd. Had a very nice game. Not huge, but nice. Took Sam with me so everyone could see what I got for Christmas. :)
i could have titled it "blindsided" or "blinded by the light" or even "blind to my own shortcomings" ......
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