Soon we were finished breakfast, packing the vehicles with our stuff, and then back on our bikes heading West this time. Here's my bike pointing West down by the Lake!

We rode slowly through the outskirts of Kingston, past the beautiful and beautifully landscaped limestone houses that characterize the architecture of this beautiful town. Then past the massive penal institutions and sprawling factories, until we found ourselves riding through open fields . . .

And then alongside the Lake.

Heading West (for Lake Ontario afficionadoes) means heading into the prevailing winds ...

and the indominatable Kris Seiber pulled almost the entire way! Respect dude!

Every so often we passed through lovely little towns like Bath.

It interests me just how much these little places look like upscale versions of their counterparts on the other side of Lake Ontario. I noticed that along the shoreline and especially into Prince Edward County there's an awful lot of property for sale . . . I wonder what's going on . . . . ? Meanwhile my eyes continued to be captivated by the little old buildings by the wayside . . .

We stopped briefly at a fruit stand to pick up some field fresh melon which I carried in the back of my shirt. Before long we were back on the Glenora ferry heading West and listening to one of the ferry staff telling us stories about all the amazing old cars he'd see on the boat.

I forgot to mention that we had been passed by countless antique vehicles who often honked at us or waved at us. It was very cool to hear their so different sounding engines sometimes struggling with the inclines or their ahhhhoooogah horns honking at us!!! On the other side of the ferry we agreed to climb up the small hill that leads to Lake on the Mountain, a beautiful spot which features a beautiful lake at the top of a two hundred foot hill (a tarn) ... cross the road and on the other side you can look almost straight down the same height to Lake Ontario. On this day we were sharing the picnic spot with a pile of the antique car drivers who were very fun people!!! There are beautiful views from up top!!!

Tomorrow we'll go to Presquile!!!
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