We had decided beforehand to take the shorter route up the East side of Rice Lake. The ride home passed through Brighton . . .

Which has its own fair share of lovely old homes . . .

and over the 401 we went . . .

A really quaint little home somewhere in the hills between Brighton and Hastings . . .

Here's Devon Code - drummer, published author, super strong bicycle rider, and a really good dude . . .

In Warkworth we stopped here . . .

and here . . .

for some really good road fuel . . . That got us through to Hastings where we ate lunch down by the river . . .

and then made our way to the Bridgewater cafe where good pizza, pastries, americano's, espressos, and all sorts of other stuff can be bought and consumed. Here are a couple of action shots of the RFA 6.0 team fueling up and discussing the route ahead . . .

For the final leg we rode through the rolling countryside just West of Keene.

The headwind and the hills became more of a factor in our ability to stick together . . .

But we worked together and eventually arrived in Keene . . .

Where we stopped for a snack and some restorative liquids . . . .

Back on the bikes and we rode quickly West towards Peterborough. Soon we were riding on the familiar gravel roads of the south end of the City . . . .

And soon this gravel road turned into paved road and the paved roads all link together and it seemed like no time passed at all before we were riding through the South end of the city of Peterborough and aiming for a cold beer at Michael and Andrea and William's home . . . where, like so many memorable, beautiful, incredible rides before, we ended up to share the little stories . . .

And watch the sky pass by . . .