hexagram 5
hsu - waiting
heaven over water
now is the time to wait and have faith in the natural order of things.
take stock of yourself and your situation,
and work on any insecurities that cause internal imbalance
like a silk wind-ribbon
it wraps around
my licked finger
when i point it at the sky
The ancient wisdom of I Ching, yes?
mine today was T'ai - Peace
Any body of wisdom that has lasted 5,000 years has something to it.
I love that you've shared this with us...and as I understand it, nourishment is part of your hsu, too, feeding what needs to be fed as you wait.
Waiting is so hard for us, isn't it?
I suppose you can just watch that silk wind-ribbon wrap round and round...lovely, Steven.
Four lines that have given an image to transience. Remarkable, perfect.
The sky over the water, in complicity. Is it that men can sense its own complexity? At times we should introspect and make decisions.
Have a good day steven.
That bottom picture of the sea adds another dimension to the words Steven.
Must love this beautiful *peace* of advice
Ah yes, Steven, you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows, do you?
hi jo - the i ching it is. waiting is hard. i'm so fascinated with what's to be - because i've been amazed at all that is and has been. yes, best to watch silk wind ribbons. steven
ruth - transience is as present and as absent as the sensation of warm wetness on a licked finger in the wind. steven
oa.s, complicity and complexity. both swirl inside our heads when we try to make sense of the whirling transience of this place. steven
weaver - that's the atlantic off the east coast of canada about eight months ago. steven
dulce - transience and peace look at each other across a vast space but look closer and you'll see violet and pale green filaments bringing the two together. steven
lorenzo - you look inside, you look outside. sometimes they are the same. sometimes not. steven
"now is the time to wait and have faith in the natural order of things."
the words in this post are so timely. thank you steven! thank you universe!
steven, this post struck many emotional chords in me. I'm humming here!
have a happy day.
it's always such a balance, a dance of control, wanting to make things happen.
making yourself available to the possibility of something happening suggests a passivity that is actually not entirely the case. it takes work, real work to have faith in the future reaching back and taking your hand. steven
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