their soft wet bodies
drifted off the screen of my imagining
and merging with the pure white skybecame once more
the triangulatedchildren of the aether
of my remembering
visual prompt provided by tess at magpie tales
i'm really excited and even proud to tell you that one of my poems is featured over at the astonishing terresa's chocolate chip waffle blog. to read it go right here.
Congratulations Steven! I 'went right there' and read your poem. It is beautiful, so well crafted and sensitive.
Today's poem speaks out to me, too.
I wish you much success with your poetry. Poetry is so improtant to life and often is not featured as much as it should be - but thnaks to blogland, poets are 'born free' once more.
aguja thankyou very much. i have never seen myself as a writer. but i write and if i were asked to explain why i'd have to resort to the "because i have to" answer that is so unsatisfying. steven
Steven, I love coming here to read you. It's always good starting the day with your inspiration.
[I saw you in Teresa's blog, I loved]
Have a good day!
oa.s thankyou for your kind words. i'm glad you popped over to terresa's blog, it's a magical brilliant place that's for sure. steven
Good morning, Steven!
I come by way of the Waffle lady! She is new to me this morning, as a dear blogger pal of mine referred me to her. Your writing is an inspiration to me, as I am venturing out to READ poetry. Have a wonderful journey, Anita
Read your poem at The Waffle House and had to visit. Love this interpretation of this week's magpie. Thank you.
hello anita and welcome!! terresa's blog is a place of wonder and joy and i am honoured to have been given the opportunity to be a part of it!!! thankyou for your kind comment. steven
hello ds and welcome! i tickled the visual prompt a little bit and when i saw the rain drops change shape i had to write about what i saw!! i'm grateful for your kind comment. steven
and why wouldn't it be?
Why do you think we all keep coming here, admiring your poetry and pictures and leave refreshed?
Seems as though your fame as a poet is spreading - and rightly so Steven. This one is lovely.
what a lovely way to bring back memories, steven- great piece
weaver - fame?! in my very small world perhaps! thankyou though for that generous thought..... steven
friko - i imagine that most bloggers would say what i will say here and that is that my writing is so very far from where i would wish it to be but one small part of my daily work is given over to the hopefully slow but steady improvement of my writing. thankyou so much for your kind thoughts here . . . i am indebted to so many fellow bloggers whose writing and kind words are so motivating. steven
thankyou very much dulce!! steven
"aether", learned a new one today...what a lovely word. First time reading your work...really touching and very relatable. Excellent magpie...
Oh, by the way, I love your header picture. Did you paint it? Please respond to donnab6464@gmail.com.
hello donna b.! i can't remember the first time i saw that word but it had common useage in the poets of very long ago and then also among alchemists. in classical greek writing it was used to describe "the pure essence where the gods lived and which they breathed." that's what i was thinking here. i'm glad you visited! steven
hi again donna - check your e-mail and for readers of comments the answer is ... nope . . . it's a photograph of one of nature's better paintings in a wooded area nearby. steven
This is a perfect prompt for you and your writing, for how the tiny drops are observed and absorbed back into the whole.
Congratulations on the beautiful poem in Terresa's spotlight today. Really powerful. Did you write it for her feature?
hi ruth - thankyou so much. i had some fun with tess's prompt, messing with the image and then writing the words out of what i saw. the piece of writing at terresa's chocolate chip waffle house was coincidental with her telling me that she was going to feature a piece of my writing. she had already picked one out apparently but i felt compelled to share this one which i spent yesterday afternoon writing. it's not finished yet but it came close to the sort of rightness i can achieve at this point. i'll be popping it on the golden fish sometime soon. it may have changed by then of course!!! steven
Sensual and spiritual. Gorgeous. Always a treat to see you at Magpie Tales. xx
I've come here from Terresa's place. I like how your poem there is an expression of the fact that we are made of stars. It evokes that feeling of tapping into something cosmic when we write (at least sometimes), that, somehow, the thing writes itself.
I think I've read your comments on Friko's blog - one of my favorite places to visit.
tess and it was fun to write! really it was!!! thanks for the kind comment and especially for the prompt. steven
hi mark - i'm drawn to the little bit of your comment about how the thing writes itself. the very best writing and art and playing of music i do comes when i get my self out of the way. i had never considered that possibility until i heard the music of keith jarrett and robert fripp and through them learned about the work of j.g. bennett and gurdjieff. so much fell into place and was displaced in that process and it's still very much in turmoil but at least it's dynamic and alive. i love friko's place and i'm glad you do also!!! steven
john gray i'm grateful for that single very generous word. steven
Your poem captures such a wonderful concept...and the picture just makes me smile.
of course you get that rachel!!!!! i smile each time i see it. steven
One often judges their own work as not as worthy, yet others see beyond the questions and hear the words as they are shared. This is when we become the poet we don't realize that we are.
hello reflections, thankyou for your guiding and supportive words. it's strange to embrace doubt so readily but it appears each time i press the "post" button. i'm hopeful that at some point that experience will become unnecessary. for the best of reasons. steven
Steven you are a true writer and this is an amazing piece of writing! :-)
hello carrie, thankyou for your generosity of spirit!!! steven
Excellent work, enjoyed it a lot.
hi steve isaak, thanks for your thoughtful comment! steven
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