an amazing story that very few people are aware of. on this day in 1963, the "bathyscape trieste" descended into the marianas trench in the pacific ocean. the amazing achievement of the two brave men who descended seven miles into the ocean depths - seven miles down folks - is chronicled in this "brief article".
here's a brief overview of the day they went right "to the bottom".
this lovely but short animated movie of the topography of the marianas trench is highly addictive stuff. i watched it a few times and wondered how amazing would it be to have the ability to see films like this of anyplace in the world above or below the water. here's "the marianas trench".
wow, our children tess 8 and arun 5 were amazed. We were telling them it was the deepest part of the ocean and no one had ever been there, we googled to check and found this article!!. tess says 'totally cool' arun wants to know what kind of chocolate you ate?
hi brunskill and tess and arun. thanks so much for dropping by!!
tess - it is totally true and amazing and extremely cool. i wonder why no one has gone back since - maybe they have and i just don't know about it. i wonder what it was like to be the first to go there? i wonder at all the creatures they saw!!!
arun - i love all chocolate ( absolutely all of it) but my absolute favourite - and the kind i buy for the kids in my class is from a place in toronto, ontario that ships online. it is very very yummy. you can get it by going to birdsandbeans.com. they sell chocolate that is made from cocoa beans grown in ecuador. not only is it ultra yummy but it is also friendly to the farmers who grow it and to the rainforest it is grown in. that's very important to me and to my kids at home and at school!
see you again!
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