sometimes a moment arrives where several streams, strands or events meet and i call these moments “lovely confluences”. a place where separate good things meet unexpectedly and compliment each other.
last night i came across a piece of music by icelandic post rock band sigur rós entitled “flugufrelsarinn”.
you can listen to the original version here first:
what i saw last night was this same song played by kronos quartet whose homepage can be found right here.
the visual images are from a documentary i own entitled winged migration which can be purchased right here.
flugufrelsarinn by sigur ros, played by the kronos quartet to images from winged migration can be experienced here . . .
Naah,you know Kronos Quartet too,why Im not surprised? :O)
Listen,you are a wonderful teacher,I whish I have met you before my life happend.Thank you.
HVALA OD SRCA ! (it is serbo-croat for thank you from the bottom of my heart) Ciao San.
sandra - your life is happening!!!! ha!! yes i listen to so much music. music's been calling me to listen for as long as i can remember - maybe to three or four years old. that's a long time!!! i always wished it would call me to play it but so far it hasn't except for a brief period where i played bass. thankyou for the serbo-croat greeting. that's a first for me!!! have a peaceful day. steven
i go outside when it thunders and get wet. it's not going to hurt me!!! i love the sound and the smell and the feel. i fell in love with a woman from friesland many years ago. from that i knew that one day i would need to return.
i don't change my life much when my wife's away. i put in longer hours, i love taking care of my children, i do "projects" around the home, listen to music, read, bike lots!!!! thanks for the contact. i'll save that. my plans are iceland or friesland in 2011. in 2010 i am raising funds to send bikes to malawi by riding one thousand kilometres around a lake near here with a group called africycle. the next year i travel. this year i have a 500 km bike trip to visit a potter i like and brink back some of his work.
i hope you got aay from your pc and slept with dreams!!
san = dream. hmmmm. makes sense. steven
And now just this,I love to hear of your projects,specialy the one of biking for Africa,I would do the same for my people too if I was healthy and in better shape(condition?)cause I know for sure no big organisation is having projects for Serbian children without familie,displaced and traumatised with the same war as the other children.May be I will be able to return my energy source back where it belongs to do something else besides being a good person for everybody in need,here,around me.I made one mistake in my life,did not learn how to love myself,all the suffering,it has to be good for something?Your plan sounds as very good plan,take care,San, :O)
PS And 10000 times thank you for all the beautyful links and writings you post on here and other place.
hey san, thanks for the lovely compliment and thanks for all your joy and happiness.
it's so important to love yourself first, even though there are so many demands outside yourself that say "me first". first you unpack the darkness that almost everyone carries inside themselves. know it. learn from it. when there's peace inside yourself, it becomes your presence and then it becomes possible to love others more fully and fill them with the same peace and light.
have a lovely day. steven
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