the title of this entry is something that i say more often than not when it's twenty below or colder outside - which it is. today’s start up temperature is minus twenty six celsius or minus fourteen point eight fahrenheit. this really pales in comparison to the lowest temperature ever recorded on this planet which was minus eighty nine point two celsius or minus one hundred twenty eight point five fahrenheit on the twenty first of july in ninenteen eighty three at vostok, antarctica at an altitude of three thousand four hundred and twenty metres. that’s very, very cold.
i searched on the net for the origin of the phrase “cold as a cat’s curse” and i'm sorry to report that there was no match for the phrase. however, i did come up with this!
but i digress. back to the snow. well there's lots of it again, but apparently in a few days there will be a meltdown matched only by some of the more expressive episodes of the various hollywood stars and starlets currently enjoying or seeking the spotlight.
i have already stated in an earlier posting and i'll restate for those who missed it - i really don't like being cold. there are circumstances under which i'll endure cold as a necessary feature of say for example, watching my son play hockey, or walking to work. other than that it represents more discomfort than i would normally accept.
it does have some features though that make it welcome, one of which is that on especially cold days, the snow hardens and takes on forms that render it more attractive than usual. here are three pictures from today from very close to the house that i think are representative of what i am describing.
stairway . . .

stairway two . . .

snow bouquet

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