by coincidence, matt, my son and I, and a couple of neighbours engaged in a ferocious snowball fight last night. i hired my son dawson to be a sharpshooter - one dollar for every direct hit on matt. with that kind of incentive he nailed him hard six times!!!
anyhow, back to the past. here's matt and i at the end of the race holding our booze prize high for the international media and breathless onlookers. to the right of the picture is the race organizer feebly stringing together epithets and flowery prose in a vain attempt to describe the righteous poetry of our form - both racing and physical. please don't bother looking at the onlooker who appears to be struggling in the emotion of the moment - or something!!

the post race event, (held in matt's mancave conveniently located next door to golden fish world headquarters) proved to be hugely popular and will almost certainly be expanded next year to include people beyond the team and support group.
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