here 'tis . . .

writing about beer brings to mind many stories and anecdotes but i like to keep this blog reasonably intelligent and not dig into some of the more sordid and questionable antics of my life and so i'll merely share this one story with you.
a few years ago i worked with a guy who for years had a weekend job as a tourguide at a brewery in toronto. at the end of every shift he was given a certificate for a free two-four plus his pay. nice. he told me that he and his two room mates who i guess bought their beer, didn't actually own any furniture and used the empty cases as a base for chairs, couches, and beds and built room dividers out of stacked cases for "privacy". as a concession to comfort they bought foam pads and some material to cover the cases with but otherwise, that was their design plan.
when they decided to move out it took three beer trucks to take away the empties.
so on that very topic, here's a wonderful use for a heap of stubbies with a christmasy tinge to it:
I also really enjoy Hockley Dark. Have you tried the special bottles (1 litre I believe) of Hockley Stout? It's truly a wonderful beer.
hey alan, i haven't tried their stout yet although i stared covetously at the big bottles of hockley product at the lcbo. some of my purchasing choice is dictated by ease of transportation as ninety nine times out of a hundred i am either biking or walking and so i look carefully at the packaging in terms of additional weight! a rotten way to make decisions as important as this but that's the way it is. however. i intend to find someone with four wheels and a willingness to turn into the lcbo parking lot, at which time i will pick up a selection of glass encased hockley product and i'll get back to you then. thanks for the tip!
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