there are people i meet
who i have never met before
and yet i know them
as deeply
as they know me
like the perfect handclap:
air compressing
inside a rapidly narrowing space
skin on skin
from light to lightlessness.
it's just like that
when we recognize each other
Yes- happens quite frequently depending on receptiveness.I love it when it occurs- It is so like taking a dump in a dream - you know what I am talking about...I have had that dream so many times! Jung says it is a good sign- something about creativity. Anyway,Sharing the same dream is one of those recognizing moments- I do believe.
i do believe it is too. i think there are threads of connectivity that get reactivated once in a while - almost when necessary. i now that the world i live in on a day-to-day basis is just the outer edge, the skin of what i call "the entirety". thanks for the jungian insight. i'm so excited now! steven
Yep. True, dat.
I like the language of having known each other before in a different incarnation, though I have no idea whether that language is "true."
Whatever it is, I LOVE discovering an old friend whom I've never met. It is so encouraging, isn't it, old friend?
Oh yes. I've met several people I already know. It's wonderful when you find them again.
A standing ovation for twin souls. :)
I've only experienced this once in real life; we were dear to one another. In cyberspace I have met another with whom I feel I've always known.
Yes Steven I agree - you recognise a kindred spirit when you find one.
i do know reya. i sure do. steven
ellen - i like that i can pick up without having to explain everything. steven
hope you said it! shared souls even. steven
lizzy, i've met several people who i feel share a soul and that may seem strange because the usual model is one soul one human but i think that people share a soul and work out their pieces through that soul. steven
weaver isn't it so cool when that happens. sometimes it's like a flare and other times like a smouldering ember. steven
It is dear,
and sweet,
and miraculous,
that perfect handclap.
Oh, hello!
hey jo! steven
i think i have a family of people around me who get together in each your ribbons of the moon we weave a complex story, each coming in and out leaving a pattern to be recognised next time.xx
Steven, I've never thought of sharing a soul. I suppose anything is possible. Perhaps that is what a soul mate is, the sharing of a soul rather than two souls alike.
kay i've wondered about that possibility. that there is a sort of gathering of soul energy that allows us to continue our journey in a sort of congruent or harmonic context. steven
terresa hello! steven
lizzy - it's something that has been with me for a very long time. the reason is to do with people i meet who possess a quality that has nothing to do with personality or body or connection as much as it has to do with a rightness that escapes words or description or definition and yet which i recognize within an instant. steven
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