i twist as you turn
with your every thought
with my every thought
we shift the whole
i sense
the subtleties
of a sea-change
as the sparkling cloud
of energy that is
the all
of us
wavers ever so slightly
and adjusts itself
contracting and expanding
with each moment
each choice
each birth
each death
even the simplest and most reasonable wish
is danced out as precisely
as the tiniest cogged wheel
in the finest watch
and you know and i know
that these worlds that we are
in deference
to the whole
to the similarly turning billions
i am not naturally circumspect
i am not inclined towards the deferential
and yet
i turn
my sensitive cog
in the greatly and entirely conjoined whole
as i come to recognize
my becoming self
and in those tiny glories
so very much
becomes nothing and then everything
in a way that the surface of this world
has suggested for so very long
i am
i am
the lovely blossom cloud at the top of this post is courtesy of my bruvver david in vancouver
Beautiful and bruvver's pink blossom cloud is stunning.
i twist as you turn
with your every thought
with my every thought
we shift the whole
Great way to describe interconnectedness...
'even the simplest and most reasonable wish
is danced out as precisely
as the tiniest cogged wheel
in the finest watch'
I love those lines, Steven ... and that blossom is truly amazing!!!
thanks aguja. the picture is part of a larger picture my brother david sent me yesterday from vancouver. steven
what a beautiful tree! what is it?
this poem reminds me of those whirly paintings that kids do at parties. one starts with a single color and as the paper spins, other colors are added and though each color is unique and adds it's own pattern, the whole is quite spectacular.
The picture is exquisite and the words are a perfect philosophy of life steven. I wish we could meet - I am sure we are on the same wavelength.
thankyou alaine - he was skiing yesterday - in june. meanwhile closer to earth, trees are blossoming. amazing. steven
jinksy thankyou. i'm noticing a thread of thinking running through so much of my writing. time to move on!! steven
ellen - i dunno! it's a beautiful pink blossoming something!! steven
pauline - my art used to be like that. kaleidoscopic. spirograph. steven
weaver i hold one dream very close to my heart - to bicycle in north yorkshire. i've walked across it but i'd like to see more and the bicycle seems the best way. perhaps that way you, the farmer and i can meet. i might never leave!!! steven
Breathtaking, Steven. This one is deeply profound. It is among my very favorites of your eternally beautiful works.
"...each moment
each choice
each birth
each death"
the dance continues. Thank you.
jo thankyou for your generous and thoughtful comment. knowing that your family is experiencing the flying away of josh, i'm glad that these words can help create a place of understanding. steven
Ain't it the truth. Oh I love seeing all that PINK. I forgot how pink spring is, because that season has now passed here.
Repeatedly, you are incredible. Repeatedly you are!
The tree from your bruvver is so gorgeous. It's just now spring up yonder?
"i am not naturally circumspect
i am not inclined towards the deferential and yet..." great wording.
"as the sparkling cloud
of energy that is
the all
of us"
incredible piece steven, that pulled at my emotional strings.
what a song!!!
thank you.
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