i think, i dreamed of falling leaves,
of wide forests and dark lakes,
of sad words' echo -
however, i could not understand their meaning.

kaukolanraitti ridge at sunset albert edelfelt
i think, i dreamed of falling stars,
of the weeping entreaty of pale eyes,
of a smile's echo -
however, i could not understand its meaning.

oswald von glehn boreas and orithyia
like falling leaves, like falling stars,
so i saw myself eternally coming and going,
a dream's immortal echo -
however, i could not understand its meaning.
john anster fitzgerald titania and the changeling child
words excerpted from "three dreams" georg trakl
I saw myself eternally coming and going,
a dream's immortal echo
Yep, sounds like the Wheel of Life to me...
Wonderful images and words here Steven, whole new worlds. Thanks for putting them together.
jinksy - i'd like to imagine myself "a dream's immortal echo". whose dream? i don't know. steven
I enjoy visiting your blog. You post some great thoughts! You are now one of my regulars! Have a great weekend and keep up the excellent work! :) The Bach
I enjoy visiting your blog.. very uplifting thoughts for each day!
Have a great weekend and keep up the excellent work! :) The Bach
I appreciate coming to visit you and getting exposure to beautiful poetry I may not have had the opportunity to read. Thank you.
good morning steven.
hello elisabeth - i put this together after a challenging week managing personal and professional commitments that left me full and empty at the same time. diving between those two polarities i wanted to see something that connected me to myself. steven
hey bach!!! thanks for both of your generous and supportive comments!! steven
hello jennifer - it goes around - i get to visit amazing and insightful people like yourself and learn much more about this place i'm passing through. so thankyou! steven
hello ellen!! steven
Yes we are eternally coming and going. Speaking only for myself I can say with confidence that sometimes I am both coming and going at the same time!
Happy Saturday, Steven.
My dream, my awake dream. Love the wide open dreamy header!
hey reya - i laughed at the second part of your comment because i have thought sometimes that i'm passing part of me that's on its way here while i'm sending another part of me on its way!!! steven
hi linda sue - i love that header photo as well!! it's down by lake ontario - about forty five kilometres from here. steven
Hello Steven
that is a great new header...with such feelings of solitude and peace....
this excerpt is an interesting one Steven...I had to read it a few times and think about it...Maybe we never understand the meaning because for now we are caught in the cycle...
Happy days
Thank you!
Three new artists in one day - they will keep me busy for a while - thanks, Steven, as always,for the introduction. And I'm with Delwyn, nice new header, as well. Although, I didn't think of peace or solitude but rather freedom and possibilities...
moving in and out of consciousness-dreaming and awake--I spent my week doing much the same--reading your post made me feel a little less harried and more centered--thanks! have a great weekend.
hello delwyn, this is a space that my dad liked to be in. literally this particular spot. i didn't really know much about it until he flew away and since then it's become one of my places that i like to visit just in case something magical appears. i share your sense of not having access to the entire meaning because i feel as if i get glimpses at best that - were i able to assemble them into something resembling a narrative or a pattern - might make some sort of sense. dreams are that way. steven
hello jenny stevning - thankyou for the stars! steven
golden west - assembling the artwork to open these words out was a joy!! look at what i found!!! i am so glad that you'll look further because these are astonishingly talented and insightful painters. steven
hello c.m. - this past week was so overfilled that i hovered for much of it between realities. i start here. thanks for your thoughtful comment. have a peaceful evening. steven
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