then you'd see something like this - which is looking right down on the golden fish world headquarters . . . the lake to the right of the image is lake ontario. it's 193 miles long and 53 miles wide. next year i plan on riding around it as part of a fundraising team called africycle.

this is all leading to the fact that it's a national holiday here. july first is canada day. hurrayyyyy!!!! a day to remember where we live and how we love it and most especially that we're grateful for being canadian.
the day begins with a sky trying to decide if it's going to be made of puffy, billowy clouds or fuzzy grey-scale clouds . . .
i think a decision might have been made . . .
then again, it's hard to tell . . .
better check with the plants . . .
hmmm . . . maybe i'd better start thinking about heading downtown to the canada day parade here in my little hometown of peterborough.
Happy Canada Day, Steven! Enjoy the festivities. Interesting, informative post! :)
thanks willow! i started the day with a 50km bike ride. it rained on me twice but that's just fine - it keeps my skin nice and soft!!! there's supposed to be a parade later but the weather might put the brakes on that plan . . . . we'll see. have a peaceful day. steven
Happy Canada day Steven from here in the Yorkshire Dales, UK. We love Canada and have been many times - never tire of the scenery, the wide open spaces, the lovely people, the fantastic food, the wildlife - if we were younger we would definitely think of moving there.
thankyou weaver! i was very fortunate that my parents took the risk of emigrating here. very fortunate. however, there are many days when i wish i could see the dales or the moors,come chugging out of the train tunnel near edale and see the pennines. oh weaver the list is long! however, i count my blessings and know that what i can offer my children here is what i would wish for them. have a peaceful day. steven
Hi Steven
I hope that you have had a great day celebrating your home country.
Happy Days
Sounds like you had a very nice day, Steven. Besides what all you did, your Jays won!
hey thanks delwyn - it's funny but i carry two passports - canadian citizen and british subject - and i am still torn as to what i consider "home". when i refer to england i say "home". but i live here. hmmmm.
hi goldenrod, yep they won!! amazing!! it was a nice day and the rain stopped long enough for the parade and then started up again.... steven
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