the way up there club held a meeting this afternoon.

after a few ideas were sprinkled here there and everywhere (but mostly on my head as i tried to find some of the plants that i planted tucked away inside a tall, deep bed of "weeds"), it was agreed that they would just spend the rest of the day hanging around and wouldn't rain on anyone's parade!

some got up to leave, but stuck around long enough to pose for the camera.
Exquisite cloud photographs steven. Have you ever gone to the cloud appreciation society@s web site? I understand they have lots of info on clouds (also skywatch) - there is such depth to the blue in your photographs.
hello weaver ans thankyou. yes i have been to the cloud appreciation society website. in fact if you do a "search" in my blog you'll find i've written about them a couple of times. they have absolutely incredible pictures of clouds don't they!!!! have a peaceful day. steven
Wonderful clouds! We in California must make do with relatively cloud free skies, especially in the summer. Lots of fog along the coast though! Cool and lovely fog.
I fondly call a blue sky with big puffy cumulous clouds an "N.C. Wyeth" sky. Look at this last shot! Wow! It's coming to life as a dinosaur or maybe Cookie Monster?
hi dan, i just went out for a ride into the countryside on my bike and the clouds were even better there because the sky is that much bigger.
fog. i love fog. love it!!!!
have a peaceful day. steven
ha!!! i see both!!!! or a bunny with its ears back. have a peaceful day. steven
Good morning
It's a sitting Buddha...
Happy days
Great cloud photos. Send some rain clouds my way! Lizzy
hi delwyn - and you, with your magnificient collection would know better than most!!! of course it is!!! good morning!! well yes as i am getting ready to hunker down into my cushion of ease!!! have a peaceful day delwyn, see you on the flip side!!! steven
lizzie you're back!!! thanks for the nice comment and i would if i could but it seems we are going to have these big fluffy clouds here for some time as the weather for this area is the ubiquitous "sunny with cloudy periods" - for as long as i can see....... steven
hi amelia, i spend a lot of time looking at the clouds, as i walk, as i bike, as i sit (supposedly) reading outside. i love that they are so massive, they weigh so much and yet if i passed my hands through them there'd be nothing but mist. have a peaceful day. steven
Clouds have a peculiar way at times of forming into recognizable shapes.
hi barbara, thanks for visiting! yes, clouds do have that strange way about them. almost as strange as how people see what they want to see or expect to see isn't it?!!! have a peaceful day. steven
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