Sunday, July 19, 2009

scott belcastro

i came across the work of scott belcastro and really love what he's painting. there's a gentleness about it that has a healthy taste of otherness about it.


what's about to happen?

superfine detail and a really strong sense of light make for some really incredible work that you can get easily immersed in.

scott maintains a blog that is filled with his work as well as his thinking and photographs that you can see are fuel for creative percolation!


Delwyn said...

Hi Steven

I have been to his blog and looked back through his interesting work. I like the thunderstorm best. The beautiful fine detail is so delicate and fragile against the coming storm.

Happy days

steven said...

hi delwyn, i love the thunderstorm best myself. i am amazed at how much tiny detail scott includes in his work. have a lovely day. steven

The Weaver of Grass said...

I like the look of his pictures too steven - so I shall now go and visit his blog. Have a good weekend.

Tess Kincaid said...

Very delightful! His work reminds me so much of Lane Smith's. Now, I must go click on the links...

Fabulous photo of him, btw!!

Hope you're enjoying your Sunday, Steven. xo

steven said...

hello weaver, you will enjoy his blog - he shows his photographs which in turn lead to his paintings. i have almost done having a good weekend but thanyou all the same!!! have a lovely day. steven

steven said...

hi willow, i know the work of lane smith - i use some of the books he has illustrated when i teach!!! my fave would be "the stinky cheese man"! the photo of him working is amazing . . .you're so right!!! i have enjoyed this day - a 50 km bike ride through the countryside north of peterborough - a lovely omelette for lunch - herbs and cheddar cheese - and then an afternoon reading katherine mansfield's short stories under the clouds and sometimes sun! wow! that's what i call rich fortune. have a lovely evening. steven

Tess Kincaid said...

Now that is what I call a perfect day! And Mansfield for dessert!

I have a copy of "The Very Persistent Gappers of Frip", illustrated by Lane Smith. It is just fabulous; a treasure.

steven said...

hi willow, thanks for the tip about lane smith. it's funny how i love his work in the three books i have that are illustrated by him but haven't really looked for more.
mansfield first thing in the morning and last thing at night too!!! yum!
have a peaceful day. steven

scott belcastro said...


scott belcastro said...


steven said...

well scott, your work humbles me. it is pure magic! thanks for dropping by. steven