i like that the light that comes from the sun, loves to play. here are a few images from around my home of sunlight that has somehow squeezed itself through little cracks, bent around corners, stuttered up mouldings and window frames and for the briefest of moments created something really beautiful to watch.
Wonderful light and shadow shots, Steven. I was going to chose a fave, but they're all nice! Perfect in black and white.
hi willow, thanks. i remember loving shadows and light as a boy and would watch them play around my room. in the evenings (because we lived next to a major road) i would watch the car lights pass across the ceiling. have a peaceful day. steven
Very nice. I'm afraid I don't get enough of those kinds of light beams here in the cloudy Pacific Northwest, but I'll be looking for more now that I've seen these.
hi loren, nice to see you! it's been kind of sketchy weather here the last few days so to be quite honest, these are "banked" images that i gathered together. i don't mind rain - i probabl say that too often and that's why nature is obliging!!! steven
Hi Steven
your sunbeams bursts and shadow plays are great.
I tend to get a rainbow prism across my floor at a certain time each day...It always surprises me...
The louver shutters play that game you found on the cycad post of mine...
I love shutters and the moods they can create. They make me think of Somerset Maugham stories....
Happy Days
Superb shots Steven. I love the way these everyday things suddenly slip into our lives, command attention then slip quietly away again.
hi delwyn, the prisms are my favourites and very rare. i know of two in the house but i haven't seen them for a while which means that whatever the light was passing through has been moved or blocked.
i remember a very long time ago reading maugham's stories alongside those of evelyn waugh. it was a year of spending a lot of time on buses and trains going to and from work. it made for an amazing escape into a world long gone but through their writing, very, very present. have a peaceful day. steven
hi sid, thanks for the compliment! that's a good point about the everyday things slipping into our lives and then slipping away again. i find that with a lot of things - music stays on the player for weeks and then poof! gone for years. books - i immerse myself in them and then poof! gone for years. there's lots of little moments that escape our notice as well. those are the ones i'm looking for. have a peaceful day. steven
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