thoth was an egyptian deity, in fact one of the most important of the egyptian pantheon. "thoth was considered the heart and tongue of ra as well as the means by which ra's will was translated into speech. he has also been likened to the logos of plato and the mind of God. in the egyptian mythology, he has played many vital and prominent roles, including being one of the two deities (the other being ma'at) who stood on either side of ra's boat. he has further been involved in arbitration, magic, writing, science, and the judging of the dead."
so, if you are going to take up this name, you would need to be prepared for some comparisons. in my view, the new york street artist thoth would both endure and rise above those comparisons.

i saw this film a few years ago on television with my children. it was difficult because the subject matter fell well outside what they were used to in television fare. a man through whom is channeled the most extraordinary, most powerful creative energy singing in falsetto, dancing in a gold lame loincloth, dreads piled high on top of his head, sawing away on a violin.
but what's most extraordinary is the inability you too will feel to click the off button. look at the rapt faces of the audience - not your ordinary artsy-filled audience that you might expect would show up for a performance like this, but average people out for a family day in the park.
i hope that you enjoy this extraordinary film about an extraordinary person . . . .
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