and here . . .
and here . . .

the interconnectedness of all things - physical or not - for me is a given. the simultaneous and coincidental undoing and reasserting of that knowledge is still very much underway.
the ongoing undoing of that knowledge (for that is what it is given its having been the perspective of all that lived on this planet until very very recently) is a necessary action on the part of those who cannot allow for that perspective to gain common currency because it undermines what have become known as business interests.
also, because the idea that everything is in some way connected posits a perspective close to the surface of social organization that lends credence to ideas like equality, tolerance, even love for people or things that you are nominally unconnected with.
the reasserting of that perspective on a global basis is very much underway and is moving from the margins of our understanding, back into the centre. it's a long, slow process moderated out of consideration for the many people and processes that have predicated their entire being on the idea that nothing is connected, that ones' abbrogation of responsibility for others and the globe is acceptible, and so on.
i believe that it was david bohm who once suggested that the unifying field theory that would bring together all of the various understandings of our universe(s) would be love. an excellent overview of david's life and thinking can be read here.
another nice piece of writing that i'd like to share with you that has a similar but much more prettily worded perspective on unified field theory can be read here. david peat has written a really fascinating piece on the alchemy of love that makes for worthy reading.
meanwhile, back at the ranch . . . . mr. wendell berry of kentucky writes a fine poem
"the law that marries all things"
the cloud is free only
to go with the wind.
the rain is free
only in falling.
the water is free only
in its gathering together,
in its downward courses,
in its rising into the air.
in law is rest
if you love the law,
if you enter, singing, into it
as water in its descent.
or song is truest law,
and you must enter singing;
it has no other entrance.
it is the great chorus
of parts. the only outlawry
is in division.
whatever is singing
is found, awaiting the return
of whatever is lost.
meet us in the air
over the water,
sing the swallows.
meet me, meet me,
the redbird sings,
here here here here.
-- wendell berry
Beautiful thoughts, Steven. (And all this depth just after watching Charlie Brown? Impressive!)
hi goldenrod, good point! i never know where my mind is going to get me each day!!! it's one of the many fun things about being a human being don't you agree!!
Most definitely!
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