so imagine if you will a clock that comes with the ubiquitous snooze button but . . . and this is where things get ugly . . . if you hit the snooze button more than once, the clock runs away and hides. seriously. i kid you not! designed by mit wunderkind gauri nanda, clocky gives you one chance to get up. but only one...if you try to hit snooze more than once, clocky will jump off of your nightstand and wheel around your room looking for a place to hide. when it's snug, it will beep forlornly until you stagger up to switch it off.
clocky comes in blue:


and red:

to add even more to the coolness quotient, gauri won an ig nobel award for the clocky. the ig nobels are given out for the most pointless or humorous scientific research. oh and while you’re still here, the product description says that the run-away mode can be disabled and there is a low-battery warning. i bet that after a couple of games of find the @$%^& clock in the wee hours of the morning, the batteries would be allowed, even encouraged to die!!
other products that nanda has come up with can be found at her home base which is known as nanda home.
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