jewellery. it's always been a challenge to find nice simple jewellery because the middle of the road mainstream jewellery community is so well established that it doesn't have to make any effort to creatively move itself along. and frankly most jewellery i see is so unimaginative it doesn't express the thoughts and feelings of either the giver or the wearer. i've always thought that jewellery, like clothing, should extend the person's presence. a physical adornment, and spiritual or emotional statement of self.
well with sources like etsy it’s become possible to access a veritable cornucopia of amazing creative highly individual design. wearing and seeing clothing and jewellery that is unique and hand made has become much more commonplace and much easier to do than it was even ten years ago. artists who previously could count on eking a meagre existence working out of their home and selling their work through local cooperatives, can now develop a web presence for relatively little and open their work to a much larger audience.
today i’d like to share the work of an artist who has taken a simple idea and turned it into something so exquisite i can look at it time and time again and appreciate it each and every time for its beauty and especially for the talent and creativity of the artist.
from the history provided on the site i learned that designer karin collins began this work as a means of therapy for an eating disorder in 2004. “it began as a collage project and just evolved from there. i made the pendants for myself but every time i wore one i was amazed at the amount of compliments i received.”
these are stunning pieces of jewellery art and don’t come cheap ranging from $85 for small "spoons" to $95 for larger "spoons" each. but when you see them you will almost certainly agree - they are well worth the price and most importantly - you really need one!
here are a few i especially like. for the rest, visit the site

and click on the “gallery” link.
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