many years ago a colleague entered the xerox room at my school wearing a cap to which was attached a small light that shone directly into his eyes. hmmmmm thought i. the man is wacky anyway so what harm is there in finding out what this is all about. well it turns out he had been diagnosed with s.a.d. or seasonal affective disorder. for those of you oblivious through geographical fortune or through some genetic malfunction that allows you to enjoy the many months of gloom and darkness that we experience here in southern ontario, seasonal affective disorder is an insidious little beast also known as winter depression.
the icelandic word for this is "skammdegisthunglyndi". "skamm" means short, "degi" is day, "thung" is heavy and "lyndi" means mood
people who get it are often bouncy, lively, jovial souls until the winter sets in and then ..... right down the pipes they go. s.a.d. can become a very serious issue with hospitalization and even suicide in extreme cases. documentation exists to show that this is a much more prevalent concern in the northern latitudes.
so what can be done about this?
well light therapy has been clinically available for some time but it is prohibitively expensive and relatively public. so if you prefer to treat this condition privately and without incurring a massive debt you might be interested in this companies’ products.
go here to learn about the details of their products and the technology behind them:
go here to buy a product if you live in canada
this is the one that will shortly be purchased, put to the test, and reported on for the benefit of all of my readers as winter unfolds and envelops and compresses steven’s inner burning flame!

here’s what the litebook people say about my fave litebook product:
“The Litebook® Elite™ is the new generation of light therapy, the result of years of research and development in hand-held light therapy devices. This new model features a custom lens and diffusion system which, combined with the high-performance white LEDs that all Litebook products are known for, produces a uniform field of bright yet soothing light. Additional new features for the Elite™ include a multiple-setting timer (15-30-45-60 minutes) and a long-lasting built-in rechargeable lithium-ION battery with a charge indicator – all of this in a compact, sleek, new design which fits into your lifestyle. When used everyday, the Litebook® Elite™ will improve your mood, increase your energy level and restore your sleep patterns. Most people notice results within 30 days - often sooner.
Suggested Retail Price:
$199.00 Cdn”
litebook offers a variety of products that will address your very real need for light in such a way as to discretely and reasonably offer you light therapy and perhaps spare you the agony of winter depression.
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