a late night post - coffee humzipping through my body - so i'm good to go for another ten minutes or so and then i've gotta dial this down and sleep. anyhow, an e mail from ali in vancouver sent the research team into a complete frenzy of excitement. it seems that somewhere out there someone has invented a piece of clothing that can receive a hug via bluetooth and so you can send someone a hug and they - wait for it - they get the hug from their clothing. "no way" sez you. "yes way" sez the team who have not only located the source but a podcast by the very people who created this that shows them working on it right from the "hey you know what would be cool?!" point.
i don't pay these people enough.
here y'are then: copy and paste this into your address bar and see what we all need now - more hugs anywhichway!
working outside and special prosthetics
12 hours ago
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