recent changes in the f.a.a.'s definition of what constitutes an airplane, have opened the doors for designers to create machines that address the very different needs of pilots in the twenty-first century.
a beautiful example of this change has been created by the people at icon aircraft. integrating the more successful features and thinking behind high-end automotive design with cutting-edge aircraft design, icon has created a plane that allows novice pilots to step into the magical world of flight with the primary purpose being the use of plane as a means to see the world in a wholly different way.
proud owner kirk hawkins is seen and heard here speaking about his extraordinary company and its pride and joy . . .
here's the plane on its first flight . . .
i can't fly a plane, but if i could i'd love to have one of these little beauties . . .

and then i might be able to experience some of these experiences . . .
Hey, there!
All I have looked at, thus far, is that first photograph. ImMEdiately - upon first glance - I thought, "Geez, would Steven ever love to have one of those!" I could almost visualize your sleek self - all donned in gleaming pilot array, of course! - either sitting in the cockpit (smiling & waving) or nimbly alighting from same.
(Now I'll go back and read & look some more to see if I have a further comment.)
Well, I DO have (wouldn't you just know it?)! Your second to last video, Steven, is really 'something else', isn't it?
Just close your eyes and let your mind wander. You'll be there!
the irony of this post is that i love the take-off in a plane, the winding up of the motors, the torqueing over of the plane's body as it tries to deal with all the power, the leaving the ground, the views, the clouds, the sunsets, the landing the reversing of the engines (my favourite moment) as the motors are rammed to max and the whole body of the plane shudders and strains to slow down. i really really really dislike turbulence. what does a poor boy do? turbulence is everywhere. well, a poor boy dreams.
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