Friday, June 20, 2008

the great air race - england to melbourne 1934

the distinctive glow and glamour of adventure. handsome men. cheering crowds. gentlemanly bluster and bravado. it has to be the great air race - from england to melbourne! officicially named the macrobertson air race, the race took place in october of 1934 as part of the melbourne centenary celebrations. the idea of the race was devised by the lord mayor of melbourne, and a substantial for the times prize fund of $75,000 was put up by sir macpherson robertson, a wealthy australian confectionery manufacturer, on the conditions that the race be named after his macrobertson confectionery company, and that it be organised to be as safe as possible.


Lorenzo il Magnifico said...

I think your personal details were more interesting than this posting. But who knows...check mine and see if you agree

steven said...

you have an entertaining blog deadandaliveinchiswick. the golden fish is not the blog for you mate but thanks for visiting!!!