it is the subject of people’s imagination, has been incorporated into countless novels and films and is synonymous with barrenness on an almost incomprehensible scale. and yet, there is much life inside its 9,000,000 square kilometres of admittedly daunting, even unwelcoming terrain.
i haven’t been to the sahara yet, but it has long drawn me as it does a certain type of englishmman, notable among whom has been one of my heroes, t.e. lawrence also known as “lawrence of arabia”, and james richardson, (whose book “travels in the great desert of sahara dated 1845 and 1846 can be read here). here’s an image from this beautifully detailed and riveting text . . .

surprisingly, the sahara was once a much greener place as is evidenced by this article released today by the new york times.
so all this because tonight i’m in the mood for a good old fashioned “war” movie. after a little searching around i came across this gem which i’ve seen once before but which i would love to see again . . . the 1943 version of “sahara” starring humphrey bogart, not to mention lloyd bridges . . .

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