rather than get all disillusioned i started looking ‘round the net for examples of other people’s work and their solution to this challenge. by coincidence i came across the work of a photographer named todd hido who takes photographs after dark or in limited light conditions. here are a few examples that i think are exceptional . . .

i love the quality of light that permeates todd's pictures. i also love the simultaneous feelings of familiarity and otherness as i look at pictures that remind me of similar scenes that i have passed through myself but not really noticed because they almost seemed too mundane to bother with. in todd's hands they become worthy of consideration and reflection - at least one indicator of their quality.
here's a video overview of todd's work and thinking . . .
to learn more about todd and to see more examples of his photography then visit todd’s home page. i also came across a very good article which details a a conversation with todd hido.
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