i remember as a young boy reading some amazing books. labelled “classics” now, at the time they were magic in their ability to transport me to far-away lands, to share the experiences of people in all corners of the globe, and especially in their ability to completely engage my imagination. one such story was entitled ”robinson crusoe” and subtitled lengthily . . . “the life and strange surprising adventures of robinson crusoe, of york, mariner: who lived eight and twenty years all alone in an un-inhabited island on the coast of america, near the mouth of the great river of oroonoque; having been cast on shore by shipwreck, where in all the men perished but himself. with an account how he was at last as strangely deliver'd by pyrates” was written by daniel defoe and first published in 1719. here’s what people saw when they bought a copy . . . and here's the protagonist . . . for you today though dear reader, here is a highly entertaining version of dafoe’s story . . . . . released in 1932, ”mr. robinson crusoe” stars no less than a very tiggerish douglas fairbanks in his second-to-last film.
mr. robinson crusoe:
wow! i just watched this and i’ve got to tell you, as films go, it’s as corny as they get but honestly, could i push the stop button? nope. not even a hope.
if you have a hankering to read robinson crusoe then you should visit ”dead men tell no tales” which has both crusoe texts ready to read!! for more things robinson crusoe, you really should visit here.
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