on this day back in 1957 i was born in manchester, england. so today i gratefully acknowledge the privilege of having travelled 51 times around the sun. i checked into that little piece of trivia and calculated that it means that each year my body has travelled 584,018,150 miles (939,886,400 km) which means that it has now travelled 3 billion 504 million 425 thousand and 650 miles or 47 billion 934 million 206 thousand and 400 kilometres. no wonder i feel tired some mornings!
to acknowledge my beginning my 52nd orbit, i will be leaving tomorrow on a 250 mile round trip by bicycle to kingston, ontario. if everything works as it should - my bike, my body - i'll be gone for six days. i’ll be following a route established by various local and provincial government bodies. it will be what cyclists refer to as a “credit card tour” insomuch as i will be staying in hotels, eating in restaurants and stopping to take photographs and write notes along the way.
this may mean that there’ll be some empty days here on the golden fish unless i figure out the post dating mechanism which i think i can manage. it does mean that witticisms and anecdotes, and cautiously expressed outrage will not be responded to for possibly six days. express yourself regardless. i’m pretty good about getting back to people!!
when i get back, i’ll upload whatever pics turn out and include whatever stories are worth telling!!
see you later!! steven
working outside and special prosthetics
16 minutes ago
Where do I begin? Why, with "Happy birthday," of course!
You want to talk about useless trivia? All that 'crap' about how many times you've circled the sun, etc., had me just screaming with laughter!
"Cautiously expressed outrage" ... moi?
You're not only 'pretty good' about getting back to people, you're VERY good, Steven.
Staying in hotels and eating out in restaurants? Tsk, tsk! OutRAgeous!!
The post-dating mechanism? Quite simple, actually. If I can do it, ANYbody can! When you get to the bottom of what you've written, on the lower left you will see "Post Options" (or some such). Click on that. You can set the date and time for whenever you want your post to publish. You have to make sure to hit the "Publish Post" button afterwards. After a VERY brief interval, your screen will confirm the date and time your post will publish. That's it.
I haven't YET learned how to post pix or YouTube thingees like you do ... not that I necessarily would want to at any given time, but I would just like to know HOW to do it, you know?
hi goldenrod!
thanks for the happy birthday!! i love trivia because it is the only form of data that is upfront about its relative value - trivia!
as for my habits on my bike trip - well i dragged my readers through that trip and so you know all the other details as well. hotels and restaurants - not a life i'd aspire to as a way of being but a darn nice diversion from cooking and doing dishes and making beds lemme tell you.
oh and i managed to figure out the post-dating mechanism thankyou muchly.
to post a pic on your blog all you need to do is upload a pic to your desktop either by dragging it off the net or off whatever photograph program you have. see i'm on a mac and everything's so terribly easy!!! ha! when the pic is dragged to your desktop, you can then pull it into your blog by clicking on the photo icon which appears when you are actually writing your blog. it then asks you to show it where the pic is and then it's super easy from there. alternately ignore all that!
i figured it out intuitively it's that simple.
youtube includes embedding code on each of their films. you copy that embedding code into your blog when your writing it. it'll look like gobbledygook but the end result is lovely and brings you fame and fortune and a sense of well-being!!!
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