the other day i was scouring the internet looking for something or other and i came across a link that led to a link that led to a link and there i was looking at a book about “cymatics”. the images were so lovely - i love circular images and mandalas and spirals and vortices and the like. so i found out that cymatics was really pioneered by Swiss medical doctor and natural scientist, Hans Jenny (1904-1972). For 14 years he conducted experiments animating inert powders, pastes, and liquids using simple sine wave vibrations (pure tones) within the audible range. So what you see is a physical representation of vibration, or how sound manifests into form through the medium of various materials.
but of course it goes deeper! it seems that before jenny there was a guy called chladni who for whatever reason decided to draw a bow across a violin placed above plates of sand . . . . here are what are now known as “chladni figures”:

here's a pic of vibrations realigning lycopodium powder into pretty shapes:

here’s a couple of pictures taken by a guy who ran a small motor on a table next to his cup of coffee:

This cup of coffee was on a surface vibrated at approximately 20Hz by a an electric motor driving an unbalanced flywheel.
this and other cymatic based ideas can be found here:
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