thanks to mary jo manzaneres for this pic. mary jo writes a really cool blog at http://www.flyawaycafe.com/
well this blog, "the golden fish", which is very much in its infancy (and that means less than one month old as it was successfully birthed on august 29th, 2007) has just welcomed its one hundredth unique reader. who are these people? well to be honest i don’t know all of them. but, i do know where they are from and so i’ll share that much with you.
Germany, Italy, Ireland, England, Japan, Poland, Austria, Portugal, Russian Federation, Sweden, Netherlands, Egypt, Brazil, Australia, Vermont, Wisconsin, San Francisco, New York, Rhode Island, Texas, Arizona, Washington, Utah, Illinois, Alaska, and a place not far from Sumatra named Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei And Muara Brunei Darussalam!
then there are my loyal canadian friends and family who have persevered through my self-indulgent ramblings against all odds and to what end?! thankyou. and janice i am working on the t shirt through cafe press who can produce such an item for me. i’m preparing the artwork to allow for a (hopefully) seamless (well there’ll be seams as you know) transition from watercolour to cotton.
with love and thanks to all the readers of this blog from steven
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