you've probably experienced the long nights . . .
the lonely walk-around-the-house wondering why and whatever nights . . .
the nights when your thoughts are filled
with everything that is sad
or worrisome
or that needs resolving quickly . . .
insistent lists!
i get those every so often . . .
and when i do,
i've noticed that i don't like the dark.
i also don't like the artificiality of a light "turned on".
and while i wish for the sun . . .
the sun takes forever to rise
and then arrives far too early . . . .
and without exception,
when the sun rises and
i realize that the day has begun
and i'm unprepared . . .
i wish
to be in a simpler place,
in a simpler time . . .
come with me for a moment.
at last came the blessed dawn
and the mist lay like a vasty shining cloud on the place,
but as the sun swam up,
full of power and warmship . . .

"lifting mist"
not to be gainsayed,
the mist came loose all in a piece,
and lifted slow,
till there was a space betwixt its under side and the mere,
where the coots swam,
like bees running about between two boards.

"morning breaks"
then one half of the tree trunks came free,
so that the forest seemed to be mounded up with snow.