the universe.
well,what can i say about it that would enlighten you more than looking at these images?
alright, i have one thing that may enlighten you. i know the universe as an act of love. the whole thing. the universe. it is connected by love. unified field theory? hmmmm - love. the love that binds any whole together. through its awareness of its interconnectedness it knows its own perfection, perfection free of the subjective connotations that word carries. perfection in its whole rightness.
wait a moment says the golden fish research and development department. where does that come from? “oh right, well quantum physicist david bohm who said “"If [man] thinks of the totality as constituted of independent fragments, then that is how his mind will tend to operate, but if he can include everything coherently and harmoniously in an overall whole that is undivided, unbroken, and without a border then his mind will tend to move in a similar way, and from this will flow an orderly action within the whole."
D. Bohm, _Wholeness and the Implicate Order_, p. xi”
david bohm? “yes, here’s something else that was said about him and his work: “The world we seem to live in—the world of classical objects, the world of Newtonian physics—Dave referred to as the "explicate order." He felt that what we take for reality is only one particular level or perception of order. And underneath that is what he called the "implicate order," the enfolded order, in which things are folded together and deeply interconnected, and out of which the explicate order unfolds. The explicate is only, you could say, the froth on top of the milk and the implicate order is much deeper. It includes not only matter, but consciousness; it's only in the explicate order that we tend to break them apart, to see them as two separate things.”
tempted? curious? here’s david bohm speaking:
now, look at these nebulae and know them as connected to you and to everything else. they know they are connected to you. so does everything else.
remember, just click on the image to enlarge it.
the crab nebula

carina nebula star nursery

cat's eye nebula

eagle nebula

edge of orion nebula

inner rim of the helix nebula

omega / swan nebula

orion nebula

orion nebula two

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