a while ago i posted images of nebulae accompanied by text referring to david bohm who at one point in his writings suggested that the underlying force organizing, sustaining, and binding the universe - or whatever the all of everything is actually called - is love.
i thought it might be nice to go to the other end of the perceived spectrum of our experiencing of the universe. microphotography blends art and science such that our appreciation of the visible takes on a more substantial respect for the incredible beauty of our little world and all the smaller worlds comprising it.
i came across these images:

Colored scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a cross section of a
lavender leaf (Lavandula augustifolia). Numerous dense branched
hairs (trichomes) cover the leaf's surface. These have both a protective
function against pests and serve to reduce evaporation from the leaf.
The pale-brown, rounded structure in the lower centre is an oil gland
which produces the plant's aromatic oil. Lavender is a herb which grows
wild in the Mediterranean region, but is farmed all over the world.
Magnification: 590 X.
marigold petal hairs

SEM of the petal from a common marigold plant (Calendula officinalis).
Many white hairs, known as trichomes are seen covering the surface
of the petal. In the upper right area, yellow colored pollen grains can
be seen. These are the male reproductive gametes of the plant.
The petals of marigolds are widely used in herbal remedies. They
contain compounds such as caretinoids, esters and resins which can
be made into teas, creams, oils and ointments to treat wounds and
headaches. Magnification: 180 X.
butterfly scales
Colored Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) of scales from the wing
of a peacock butterfly (Inachis o). These scales have an intricate
design and overlap like the tiles on a roof. They allow heat and light
to enter and also help the butterfly to retain warmth. They may also
be very colorful. Magnification: 750 X

all images and text courtesy of: http://www.eyeofscience.com/eos2/index2.html
being an inquisitive sort who is typically dissatisfied with stopping at the surface of matters (no pun intended given the preceeding photographs), i got to thinking about the reading i have done around quantum physics and string theory and lo and behold along comes a quirks and quarks episode that is freely available as an mp3 download or as a podcast accessed through itunes that covers very current thinking around the origins of the universe. this is stuff that occurs in the all of everything and in sub quark territory simultaneously. quirks and quarks is an incredible show in that it accesses knowledgeable people who attempt to make the inaccessible, accessible.
the link for the latest episode which deals with the ideas of several people regarding our pre big bang universe is here:
quirks archives
the podcast link which allows either individual shows or all available shows to be downloaded or even for you to simply subscribe is here: quirks podcast
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